• Why You May Want to Install New Gutters Along with Your Roof

    Seasoned roofing contractors in Redmond may recommend that homeowners install new gutters along with their new roof. If your gutters are failing, leaving them in place might lead to significant damage to your new roof shingles. Bad gutters increase the risk of ice dams during the winter. Consequently, ice dams can damage the roofing materials. This means you’ll have to schedule emergency repairs in the middle of winter. Ice dams can also cause significant damage to other structural elements of your home, and they may lead to flooding inside your home.

    In addition to ice dams, failing gutters can lead to rotting and deterioration of the fascia boards, which hold the gutters in place. And if your home has wooden siding, this material can also sustain moisture damage from the water overflowing from the gutter system. If you’re scheduling a roof replacement, having new gutters installed is a smart move. Since the work can be done at the same time, it will minimize the disruption to your family’s routine.

    damaged - gutters

  • Top Reasons Not to Delay Roof Repairs

    If you notice any signs of damage to your roof, you should call a roofing contractor in Redmond promptly to schedule roof repairs . It’s also advisable to walk around the exterior of your home after a major storm to visually check for missing or damaged shingles. If you do notice anything that looks out of place, call a professional to do a roof inspection—don’t try to climb up there yourself. expensive - bill

    Your energy bills will increase.

    The same gaps in your roof that allow water to leak in will also allow for heat transfer. In the winter, your heated air inside the home will escape. In the summer, the hot air outside will make your air conditioner work harder. The result is higher utility bills all year-round—and a less eco-friendly house.

    The damage will get worse.

    At first, you may only notice some slight discoloration on your ceiling. As time passes, it will start to look more like a water stain. Later on, your ceiling might start leaking. Missing and damaged shingles, gaps between shingles, and other problems never go away by themselves. The longer you delay roof repairs, the worse the damage will get. Eventually, your home may show signs of water damage to the following:

    • Decking underneath the roof shingles
    • Insulation
    • Attic
    • Drywall
    • Foundation

    The more widespread and severe the damage gets, the more expensive the repairs will be when you finally do schedule them.

    Water damage will allow mold growth.

    Toxic mold is one of every homeowner’s nightmares. It can sicken your family and pets, and cause existing medical conditions to get worse, such as asthma and allergies. Mold spores can spread easily and multiply rapidly. Once your home is damaged by water, it’s susceptible to widespread mold infestations. You could even have toxic black mold behind the walls or under the wallpaper without realizing it.

    Animals and pests can get into the roofing system.

    Many homeowners think that animals could only penetrate the roofing system and the house if there are very large gaps. But actually, mice can climb through holes as small as a dime. Some pest experts say that mice could even get through a hole the size of a pencil eraser. And if the gaps in your roofing system are larger, you might even hear squirrels rustling around in your attic. The sooner you get your roof repaired, the better protected you’ll be from pests.

  • What Every Homeowner Should Know About Ice Dams

    In the Redmond area, roof repairs are often due to damage inflicted by ice dams. Ice dams are thick, heavy ridges of ice that can be found at the edge of the roof. If not addressed promptly, ice dams can cause significant damage to your home, and require costly roof repairs. It is possible to prevent ice dams, even in northern climates. A roofing company can help you with this. ice - dams

    Why Ice Dams Form

    Ice dams develop when certain wintry conditions are met. First, the roof must have snow on top of it. Second, the higher elevations of the roof must be above freezing on the exterior, and the lower part of the roof must be below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. These temperatures, if sustained over time, will cause the snow at the higher elevation to melt. The water will run down the roof, and freeze at the lower section. The result is an ice dam.

    How Ice Dams Cause Water Damage

    Once an ice dam forms at the edge, snow continues to melt and flow down toward the dam. The freezing water will make the ice dam grow larger. Once the dam is large enough, the melting snow will no longer reach the parts of the roof that are at or below the freezing point. It will remain liquid, and this allows it to seep into cracks. The result is water damage in the attic, and eventually, the lower parts of the home.

    How to Prevent Ice Dams

    It’s possible for homes to be more susceptible to ice dams if the roofs weren’t properly installed. Consider asking a reputable roofing company to do an inspection. To prevent future damage throughout your home, it may be worthwhile to get a roof replacement before the next winter. Other steps to take include sealing all areas in the ceiling to prevent heated air from transferring from the main part of the house up to the attic. Heated air in the attic will cause the top of the roof to warm up, which allows snow to melt and form ice dams. Some homeowners take the extra step of having additional insulation placed in the attic.

  • Highlighting ProEdge’s Hip & Ridge Shingles

    When it’s time to schedule a roof replacement in the Redmond area, ask the roofer about using Owens Corning’s ProEdge Hip and Ridge Shingles. These exceptionally well-designed roofing materials are often preferred by contractors, because they effectively resist the effects of moisture and wind.

    Watch this video to find out more about Owens Corning roofing materials. You’ll see how the ProEdge Hip and Ridge Shingles enhance the overall look of the new roof. They form a waterproof barrier and protect against high winds, but these ridgeline shingles also allow the attic to “breathe” for proper ventilation. These materials are compatible with many types of Owens Corning products to complete the roof.