• Why You Should Leave Roof Maintenance to the Professionals

    It is easy to take the roof of your home for granted, even as it keeps your family and possessions safe from the elements, pests, and intruders. However, roof maintenance is essential for keeping this important part of your home in ideal condition. If you need roof repairs or roof replacement in Redmond, it is important to leave this job to the professionals. Here is a look at why roofing contractors are the best option for roof maintenance. roof - maintenance


    No matter what type of roof you have, attempting to complete a roof repair yourself can be dangerous. It is easy to accidentally drop a tool, risking injury to family members standing on the ground below. Slip and fall accidents are also common on roofs and can result in serious injury. In addition, because roof maintenance requires specialized knowledge and experience, you may accidentally make a mistake during the roof repair, putting your roof’s structure and your family’s safety at risk.


    There is a wide variety of roofing materials and supplies available today, and knowing what the best options are for your roof can be overwhelming. Roofing contractors will know exactly what materials are needed to repair or maintain your roof, and will have the experience necessary to get the job done right. When your roof is repaired, maintained, and cleaned correctly, you’ll be able to rely on its good condition for years to come.


    When you schedule professional roof installation, your roofing company should provide you with a warranty for your new roof. In the future, when roof maintenance is needed, it is essential that you work with a qualified roofing contractor to maintain your warranty; if you attempt DIY roof repairs, you may void your warranty. This means that you could be left in a pinch if something major goes wrong with your roof in the future.

  • Spotlight on PABCO Premier Shingles

    When it comes to new roof installation, choosing the right material can mean the difference between having an attractive and long-lasting roof and one that is unappealing and short-lived. Are you trying to make a decision about new roof shingles near Bellevue ? If so, then consider PABCO Premier shingles.

    Today, PABCO Premier roof shingles are a leading choice for homeowners and builders alike. Made of laminated fiberglass, this material comes in a wide selection of color options and with a name that many people trust. These shingles can feature a limited lifetime warranty for single family residences and a 40-year limited warranty for other structures. Also, many colors are available with Scotchgard™ Protector which PABCO warrants will help your roofing resist black algae streaks for 20 years. If you’re looking for a wide selection of colors, high value, and leading quality, then consider PABCO Premier shingles for your new roofing.

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  • The Dangers of DIY Roofing

    If you are handy with household repairs, it may be tempting to try and fix a broken roof or replace missing roof shingles on your own. However, roof repair can be very dangerous if it is not performed by a team of licensed roofing contractors. Rather than embarking on a roofing project on your own, it is essential to always schedule your repairs with a licensed team of roofing contractors near Redmond . Your roofers will perform your roof repairs in a safe, timely, and effective manner. Let’s take a look at some of the top reasons why DIY roof repairs are so dangerous. roof - safety

    Safety Risks

    One of the top dangers of DIY roofing is that performing any type of procedure on a roof comes with inherent safety risks. In order to repair a broken roof, it is necessary to haul roofing materials and tools up to an elevated location. Working on top of a roof could also put you at risk of experiencing a slip or a fall. To protect yourself from roofing dangers, you will want to always hire professional roofers to perform your repairs.

    Improper Repairs

    In order to become a licensed roofing contractor, a technician must undergo many hours of trainings and certifications. If you try to fix your roof on your own, you may not have all of the knowledge that is needed to repair the issue properly. By scheduling professional roofing services, you can safeguard your home against improper repairs.

    Voided Warranties

    When a roofer installs a brand new roof on your home, there is a high likelihood that your roof will be covered by a warranty. In order to retain the validity of your warranty, you may be required to hire professionals to perform your roofing services. Fixing your roof on your own could void your warranty and cost you significantly on your repairs. Once you have identified the dangers of DIY roofing, you will know to call in the professionals when a roofing emergency arises.

  • What Are the Advantages of Metal Roofs?

    Today’s most popular roofing materials include asphalt, tile, and wood. When you are planning a roof replacement, you may be surprised to hear that metal roofing is a top choice for many of today’s homes. When you choose metal roofing for your house, you will benefit from the durable and insulating properties of metal materials. A team of roofing contractors near Redmond can answer your questions about the terrific benefits of selecting a metal roof for your home. Read on for an overview of some of the advantages that a metal roof has to offer you. metal - roof

    Fantastic Durability

    One of the main advantages of a metal roof is that this type of roofing material is among the most durable choices that you can make for your home. The metal that is used for roofing products is extremely resistant to sunlight, wind, rain, and other elemental forces. When you choose to install a metal roof on your home, you can expect your brand new roof to last up to 70 years before it requires replacement.

    Improved Efficiency

    When you are seeking effective methods for conserving energy around your home, you may want to consider a metal roof installation. With a brand new metal roof, you may be able to reduce your heating and cooling expenses by up to 25 percent. A metal roof insulates your home through its reflective properties, which bounce the rays of the sun away from your home’s interior spaces.

    Environmental Friendliness

    A metal roof is an eco-smart choice for any property. During the manufacturing process, a metal roof may be composed of a high percentage of recycled materials. Recycling cuts down on the amount of resources that are required to manufacture and produce metal roofing materials. Once your metal roof is ready to be replaced, it will be 100 percent recyclable. If you want to go green with your homebuilding materials, a metal roof will be a great accompaniment to the rest of your building plan.

  • A Look at GAF Roofing

    GAF roofing is the preferred choice for many roofing contractors near Redmond . As you are designing a new roof for your home, you may want to explore the advantages of a GAF roof. The GAF roof is composed of several different components, which are carefully combined to create a durable, leak-resistant, and beautiful roofing installation. When you are choosing your new GAF roofing shingles, you are sure to be amazed at the gorgeous assortment of colors that are available for your installation.

    During a GAF roofing installation, your roofing contractors will carefully create a comprehensive roofing system. From roof deck protection to lifetime shingles and more, each GAF roofing component is built to last. Your GAF roof will also be enhanced with special leak protection features, which will provide you with the confidence that comes from knowing that your roof is completely weather-resistant. Overall, GAF roofing is a fantastic choice for your home.

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  • Exploring the Different Components of a Roof

    While your home’s roof may seem like it is a single, solid structure, your roof is actually made up of a series of layers and systems. By getting to know the different functions of your roofing materials and components, you will be able to identify roof repair problems before they become serious. Roofing companies in Redmond can perform a variety of roof maintenance and repair procedures, including inspections, single replacement, and gutter cleaning. To help you gain a better understanding of how your roof works, let’s review some of the most important components that make up your home’s roof. roof - installation


    When a roofer constructs a new roof for a home, he will start by laying out the decking. Decking is typically constructed from composite wood materials, such as plywood. Your roof’s decking provides the structural framework for the rest of its components.


    Wind and rain resistance is an important feature of any roof. In order to help make sure that your roof is completely sealed against the elements, your roofers will install a product called underlayment on the surface of your decking. Underlayment is crafted from a combination of durable paper and asphalt. Once the underlayment has been installed, your roof will offer the ideal surface for your shingle installation.

    Eave Flashing

    During a roof building project, your roofers will want to make sure that the most vulnerable parts of your roof receive extra protection. After the underlayment has been installed, eave flashing will be placed over the edges and eaves of the roof. When it rains or snows, the eave flashing will direct water away from these vulnerable areas.


    Roofing shingles are the most easily identifiable component of a roof. When you are designing a new roof for your home, you will have the option of choosing new asphalt, wood, or tile shingles. After your shingles have been nailed in place by your roofer, your roof will have a durable and weather-resistant outer layer that will protect your home for years.

  • The Importance of Shingle Granules

    Roof shingles protect the structural elements of your roof from rain, sunlight exposure, and wind. Since the quality of your roofing materials can drastically impact the lifespan and safety of your roof, it is necessary to be on the lookout for the signs of shingle damage. Missing shingle granules are among the top signs that your roofing materials need to be replaced. Your roofing contractors near Redmond can provide you with detailed information about why shingle granules are so important.

    Shingle granules are tiny pieces of fiberglass that are adhered to the surface of the shingle, itself. These granules are responsible for protecting the shingle and making sure that the roof is resistant to fire damage. Granules also serve a style function, as the size and color of the granules can affect the final look of a roofing installation. When your shingle granules begin to fall off, your roof may be at risk of experiencing serious damage.

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  • The Benefits of a Cedar Shake Roof

    If you are gearing up for a roof replacement for your home, you may want to consider installing a new cedar shake roof . Cedar shake roofing materials are incredibly durable, and will also provide your property with incredible beauty and appeal. To get the most out of your cedar roof installation, it is a great idea to work with top rated roofing contractors near Redmond. Your roofing professionals can answer all of the questions that you may have about roofing materials, and they can also design and install the quality roof of your dreams. Read on for an overview of some of the fantastic benefits of a cedar shake roof. cedar - roof - installation

    Weather Resistance

    One of the top benefits of a cedar shake roof is that this type of roofing is incredibly resistant to damage from weather and the elements. Cedar contains unique natural properties that make this type of wood incredibly weather resistant. Even if your roof is exposed to intense UV rays, extreme cold, or harsh rains, your cedar shakes will remain intact.

    Easy Installation

    Along with being incredibly resistant to damage from the weather, cedar shake is also very easy to install. Since cedar has a fine, straight grain, this type of wood will be easy for your roofer to saw into the appropriate shake pattern. Additionally, you can also choose pre shaped shakes that have already been formed. When you choose a cedar shake roof for your home, your new roof will be ready in no time.

    Architectural Appeal

    A final benefit of a cedar shake roof is that this type of roofing will add dramatic curb appeal to your property. As you are creating your custom cedar shake roof design, you will have the option of selecting a variety of stains and finishes for your new roof. Whether you are seeking a rustic roof, or would like to have a new roof that is more refined in appearance, cedar shake can be adapted to match your requirements.

  • How Your Gutter Can Affect Your Roof

    If there’s one chore nearly everyone hates, it’s cleaning out the gutters. However, if you hate spending lots of money even more, then you should make it a point to take good care of them. That’s because gutters play a very important role in the overall performance and condition of the roof they are attached to. When gutters become clogged, rain water and snow melt can pool and spill over on to the roof and through cracks. The resulting attic water damage can require significant repairs. Clogged gutters can also become heavy during a rain or snow storm, and the resulting pressure can rip down sections of the roof where it is attached.

    Gutters are an important part of your overall roof system, so make sure they are in good condition by scheduling an inspection with a licensed home roofing company in Redmond . If your gutters need any repairs or need to be replaced, it’s better to pay the small cost now than wait until they cause more damage that requires more extensive roof repairs.


  • Signs You May Need to Replace Your Roof

    Your roof is among the most important structural features of your home. While new roofing materials will last for two decades or longer, there may come a time when your home is in need of a roof replacement. When you need to install a new roof, you should be sure to work with a team of highly rated roofers serving Redmond . With the assistance of your professional roofing contractors, you can ensure that your new roof is a functional, durable, and stylish addition to your home. If you are wondering whether it is time to start thinking about a roof replacement, here is a look at some of the top signs that you may need to replace your roof.


    Age of Roof

    When you are determining whether you need to replace your roof, you should start by considering the age of your roof. Typically, a roof will be built to last for between 20 and 25 years. If you have been relying on the same roof for two decades or longer, you may want to start thinking about scheduling a replacement.

    Shingle Damage

    Along with considering the age of your roof, you can also look for signs of shingle damage when it is time to replace your roof. As your roof ages, its shingles may begin to curl, buckle, or fall away altogether. When many of your shingles are showing the signs of damage, this is a clear indication that your home is ready for a roof replacement.

    Dirty Gutters

    Finally, you can also inspect your gutters to determine when it is time for a roof replacement. As your singles age, their granules may begin to slough off and collect in your gutters. When your gutters are full of excess gutter debris, this is a sign that your home is ready for a new roof. Fortunately, a company offering roof installations can create a quality new roof for your home.